Today marks the day of yet another KDE Telepathy release. We're so confident with this third release, that we decided to put the Beta sticker on it. Let this be supported by our recent move to KDE's Extragear.
In the past 3 months since we released KDE Telepathy 0.2, we managed to close over 100 bugs. 102 to be exact. We added stability (if you'll make it crash with normal usage, I'll buy you a beer). We added visual polish. And we added new features too. Here's a list of what's new in 0.3:
- A completely rewritten and simplified plasmoid applet for controlling your online status
- Support for MSN over XMPP
- Dialog for adding accounts was redesigned to show the most favorite IM networks first
- Multiple file transfers with drag'n'drop support
- File transfers can be resumed
- The contact list is now separate, fully self-contained, easily embeddable widget
- Greatly improved contact tooltips in contact list
- Contact filtering in send file utility
- Support for /me in chats
Please don't ask "when you'll have this and that". We know you want metacontacts, history logs, OTR support, better integration and so on. We know it and we have it all planned. It will simply be ready when it's ready. (Though you might be nicely surprised by an upcoming post on David's blog about planned features for next release ;) And it's perfectly fine to say "you suck for not having it yet". We know that too.
You can get the 0.3 sources still hot from KDE's ftp servers. Building is the boring usual. Also watch out - we now require TelepathyQt 0.9, which is the first version under a new name - it's not TelepathyQt4 anymore, but TelepathyQt.
Please report any bugs you find at, product Telepathy.
Big part of the great team will be at FOSDEM and you are very welcome to buy us a beer for our work. If you're not attending FOSDEM, you can still contribute to our "beer fund", which is solely for relaxation and partying purposes.
You can also come listen to the great adventure of KDE Telepathy to our FOSDEM talk, scheduled for Saturday at 17:35 in CrossDesktop Devroom. Mark your calendars & see you there!
Aww, we don't suck! We rock and you know it.
Posted by: David Edmundson | Wednesday, 25 January 2012 at 01:04
Ah, lot of publicity for vHanda, I see ;)
Posted by: Account Deleted | Wednesday, 25 January 2012 at 05:40
I'm watching and testing but not yet using. Why?
I'm still using good old kopete. Why?
Because i'm waiting till import of chat logs and contacts is integrated.
I asked some month ago on grundles blog - and was told it will come.
So my question isn't "when will this and that" - but (as i could not find infos about already implented features:"It kopete import (logs, contacts) possible"??
Anyway - i'm watching you guys ;)
Posted by: Abbabakar | Wednesday, 25 January 2012 at 23:40
@Abbabakar "can you import kopete logs, contacts.
Short answer, no.
We haven't even got our own logs sorted out, let alone importing others. We're set to have ours sorted for next release, but merging from Kopete is a _lot) more difficult than it sounds.
As for "importing contacts", they're mostly stored on the server. Add the account again and you'll get your contacts. There's not much for us to do here.
Posted by: David Edmundson | Thursday, 26 January 2012 at 06:09
Do you know when the telepathy-kde PPA will be updated? It still sits with 0.2 in it.
Posted by: Daniel Andre Eikeland | Monday, 30 January 2012 at 08:39
@Daniel - Sorry, I have no clue. I can try pushing it a little, but no promises...
Posted by: Marty | Monday, 30 January 2012 at 11:42
Hello Marty, I'm also waiting for a ppa package. Telepathy 0.3 seems to be pretty cool!
Posted by: Account Deleted | Monday, 30 January 2012 at 15:40
Good news for all of you - we're working on it with the packagers, should be there soon :)
Posted by: Marty | Monday, 30 January 2012 at 16:03
I too wait for ppa, great new congratulations.
Posted by: Account Deleted | Tuesday, 31 January 2012 at 04:48